Digital Library

All Summersville Public Library cardholders are able to access thousands of eBooks and audiobooks through the Libby App and WV-READS, a multi-library electronic materials consortium.

How do I access the digital library?

Start by downloading the Libby app on whatever device you’d like to read on (iPhone, Android, Kindle, tablet, ect.).

Libby is the app from OverDrive and provides a way to start reading eBooks and audiobooks from the OverDrive digital library. You can borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet. You can also send your borrowed eBooks to your Kindle eReader. It’s free and easy to get started for new users and offers you a streamlined reading experience.

You can also use Libby right in your web browser.

What happened to Overdrive?

As of February 23, 2022, Overdrive is no longer supported on browser or in most app stores. Current OverDrive app users can continue to use the app for now temporarily (before it’s completely discontinued by early 2023), but will not be able to re-download it.

OverDrive will continue to develop updates for Libby, designed to deliver an enjoyable experience for all users. This includes:

How do I login to the Libby App?

After you’ve downloaded the Libby App, select the middle button from the menu on the bottom of the screen to Add a Card.

You can either search for your library by zip code, or allow the app to search for you. Select “WV Reads” from the menu options.

Summersville Public Library shares our digital collection with Greenbrier County Public Library, so all of our patrons with select Greenbrier as their home library.

You will be prompted to enter your library card number, located on the back of your card, along with your library PIN. If you’re not sure what your PIN is or how to get one, click here.

If you need extra help, feel free to contact the library for assistance. We’ll be happy to walk you through the process over the phone or schedule a time for one-on-one assistance with a library staff member.